Do you think your computer has a virus?
Need help setting up a new computer?
Do you want to know if your computer is setup securely?
Do you want to install remote cameras so you can monitor your home while you aren’t there?

If you said yes to any of these questions, you are in the right place.


My name is Tim O’Neil and I’m the founder of Home Technology Solutions. I provide trustworthy services to solve your home technology challenges. I am not employed by any company or bound to any product which ensures that I will use the right tools to address your technology problems. In addition to providing in-person services to Southern and Central New Hampshire, I produce online tutorials for many technology topics that people can address themselves.

My journey in technology started many years ago. I bought my first computer back in the mid 1980s. I built my first computer in the late 1990s which was about the same time I got my first information technology job. Since then I’ve held many IT positions with my most recent being in cybersecurity.

Over the years, I noticed that homes are becoming more technologically advanced which equates to more complicated, more time consuming, and involving more risk. 

Not everyone has the time nor the desire to do this work themselves.


My mission is to be the person you call when you have a technology challenge. I won’t be using “tech speak” that you don’t understand but will explain things using easy to understand terms.

Do you have a technology need?

Reach out and I’d be more than happy to help.